Weighsafe 805
The WEIGHSAFE 805 incorporates a micro-processor based unit connected to the hydraulic lifting system found on lift trucks or similar machines. A load is placed on the forks and is then accurately weighed by measuring the hydraulic pressure required to raise the load. An electronic sensor measures this pressure. An accuracy of +/- 1 to 2% of the lift truck capacity is typically achieved. Designed for heavy industrial use, the lift truck can weigh a load in less than 5 seconds. This will ensure your shipments will not exceed trailer/truck capacity. Individual weight is displayed as a fixed reading, for up to 6 – 8 seconds when the WEIGH key is pressed, using the unique DIGI-LOCK software.
The WEIGHSAFE 805 will also totalise both weight and number of lifts performed, which are also available on simple recall.
It is an ultra slim, weatherproof, micro-processor based digital weight indicator with a 15mm LED display featuring rare weight, lock and hold, accumulative weight, number of lifts and printing functions. It uses specifically designed DIGI-LOCK forkift weighing software.